Higham St. John's C E Primary School:
Eco School Green Flag Award 2020!
Eco Schools
In 2019/20, we started our very own Eco Committee with a view to gaining our first Eco Schools Green Flag Award.
We have thirteen members with at least two children from each year group from Year 1 - Year 6 taking part. We meet every Thursday lunch time in Mrs Shaw's office, following an agenda and recording the minutes of our meetings as we aim to raise awareness of Eco issues across our wider school community. Mrs Collinge is our Eco Schools governor.
Our Journey towards gaining our first Green Flag:
In December 2019, we were well on our way to achieving this after achieving our Bronze Award in December 2019.
During the spring term 2020, the committee worked extremely hard, as did every class, to complete the work required for our Silver Award.
And then schools closed due to COVID-19 on Friday 20th March 2020.
Determined to achieve our goals, we submitted our application for our Silver Award in the summer term, 2020 - and we were successful!
This year, our action plan is addressing the following areas:
1. Reducing energy usage - by turning off lights, monitors and other electrical equipment when we can and encouraging others to do so in their own homes.
2. Reducing waste - by reducing, reusing and recycling whenever we can.
3. Improving our outdoor environmental areas - by weeding, tidying, planning and planting to encourage wildlife to visit our school grounds and to learn about growing produce to eat.
Grow your own!
Our old raised beds were looking rather untidy so the Eco-Committee made it one of our actions to improve this area. A huge thanks to Mrs Britcliffe and Mrs Golden who have worked hard with the help of the children from our Key Worker provision during school closure to weed, tidy, fix and plant. We look forward to the day when we can harvest and eat out homegrown veg!
Using and improving our outdoor spaces
Congratulations! We have been awarded the Eco-Schools Silver Award!
Children who have been attending our provision during school closure were officially presented with the certificate! Well done, everybody and keep up the good work! We are well on our way to achieving our very first Green Flag Award!
See below various galleries evidencing how our Eco-Schools work has continued during the COVID-19 pandemic
Home learning gallery 1: Planting, growing and looking after our gardens
Home learning gallery 2: Reduce, reuse and recycle!
Home learning gallery 3: Nature walks
Waste Week 2020: w/b 9th March
Waste Week Home Learning Activity Sheet
Our Eco Committee has begun planning for this special event. We are aiming to raise awareness of the importance of reducing our waste and reusing and recycling wherever we can.