Remote Education Provision

Below is a document detailing our commitment to provide high-quality remote education for our children during periods of school closure or when inidividual children or class bubbles are required to self-isolate.

This document shows the statutory requirements as set out by the Department for Education and how we as a school are meeting these standards.

Letter to parents providing an overview of our remote education provision - January 2021

Keeping Safe Online:

Resources for pupils and parents

Code of Conduct for Online Learning

(including MS Teams) January 2021

 Esafety 6 top tips for parents.pdfDownload
 KS1 AUP Higham 01_2021.pdfDownload
 KS2 AUP Higham 01_2021.pdfDownload
 SEND AUP with symbols 01_2021.pdfDownload
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Jotter Learn: Our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE):

We have a secure area of our website called a VLE for which all children and staff have their own login and password.

The children can view work posted by their teachers include, but not limited to: Powerpoints; Word documents; quizzes; Wikis; embedded media and video content; website links etc.

They may also upload and save their own files which can then be accessed from both home and school.

The Messages app within the Jotter Learn enables children to message their teachers and TAs directly.  They can also upload and attach files to send to their teachers and receive feedback.

A simple guide for parents and children to help you access Jotter Learn can be found below:

Providing remote education for children with SEND